Copyright 2010.  All rights reserved.  Unauthorized duplicating is a violation of all applicable laws.

You are not authorized to use these lyrics in full or in part the copyright holder finds unfit or violates copyright laws.

Written by: Daryn Wright AKA Wayne Henderson
Produced by: Larry Marrs
Record Company: Daryn Wright Records
Studio: Marrs Recording Studio - Nashville Tennessee



Make your memories incredible, always unforgettable
Almost unimaginable, so undeniably insane
Something un-expectable, no doubt un-comparable
A feeling unexplainable, like dancing naked in the rain


On our way home from a trip we had to stop for one more night
We pulled into a campground just off the highway on the right
A river for me to fish, and a soft ground for her to rest
So I rigged my pole, pitched the tent, and helped her make the bed
Before long it was getting dark, and a storm was moving in
I must have been a mile or so up the river around the bend
Soon enough the rain was coming down like cats and dogs
When I made it back, I tied my stringer to a fallen log


In the tent I struggled to get out of my wet clothes
So I could crawl beneath the covers, and hold my baby close
I took my time removing all the little leaves and twigs
When I found something behind my knee, and it had legs
Just like a sissy-la-la, I screamed like a little girl
They must have heard me on the other side of the world
Much to my surprise she leaped out of bed
Naked as a jaybird tore her way out of the tent


Make your memories incredible, always unforgettable
Almost unimaginable, so undeniably insane
Something un-expectable, no doubt un-comparable
A feeling unexplainable, like dancing naked in the rain


Like a crazed squirrel, and fast like a hare she ran
Looking for salvation in any way she can
Stepping high enough to hit her chin with her knees
When suddenly she realized I still had the keys
A few minutes passed, and back to the rain again
Slick as a water slide, down in the mud I went
When you’re in a hurry some things you might forget
Here stands two drowned rats, and neither one could get in


I went back for the keys, with adrenaline in our veins
Trying to get inside we were dancing naked in the rain
After all this time I was shaking from the cold
Which made it even harder to put the key into the hole
In the car at last, we dried off in the back seat
Using towels for blankets, we both fell fast asleep
Early in the morning, as other campers start to go
They hollered out, made lots of noise, and thanked us for the show


Make your memories incredible, always unforgettable
Almost unimaginable, so undeniably insane
Something un-expectable, no doubt un-comparable
A feeling unexplainable, like dancing naked in the rain


Make your memories incredible, always unforgettable
Almost unimaginable, so undeniably insane
Something un-expectable, no doubt un-comparable
A feeling unexplainable, like dancing naked in the rain

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